Thanks for visiting my travel blog! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I like sharing it.
My name is Michelle, although I have lived in several states within Australia I do call myself a “Queenslander” even though I haven’t lived in my home state for the last 40 years. My job in Defence has seen me move a lot, however the last 18 years I have called Tamworth NSW home.
I am married to Digby and have two children Jake and Amy, now that my kids are grown and I am retired it’s time to travel. As my husband enjoys photography we tend to travel independently to take advantage of photography opportunities.
I love my volunteer work with Lions International and running social events. In my downtime I like reading, hiking and adult colouring in.
Here is a link to my very first blog post which covers some of our travels: Whirlwind trip 2006
Now back to the adventures….