We looked into joining our interest clubs whilst in Abbotsford, both the Lions club and the local camera club, in fact most community clubs close down for the summer break of 8 weeks, but I suppose it makes everyone have a break, so not a bad idea.  They do have some other summer clubs that you can join like the walking club but most of the activities are cantered around the summer camps for kids.

We have decided to embrace each other’s interests on this trip, so I will go along and wait hours for the perfect photograph! and this time I am going to actually listen when Digby explains to me how to use the camera.

Digby is going to come along on some hikes with me, even though there has to be something of interest or a point to going for a “walk”, so we have been on a couple of small hikes around town, he walks at 100 miles an hour to get it over with.  I decided to introduce Geocaching into our “walks” so that he has something to focus on, for those who don’t know what geocaching is – there are little caches hidden throughout the world and you have to find them.  So far this has been working and I get to go at my pace and enjoy the scenery.